Outdoor Living Stations of the Cross
Jesus' walk to Calvary and His crucifixion took place in a public arena. Consider taking the Stations of the Cross to the streets and evangelize the general public.
Property that borders a sidewalk or street, preferably highly visible, and permission to use it.
Actors and Actresses of all ages. Practice in advance of the performance.
Simple costumes. It is effective to have some actors in modern garb to give the message that the Passion is for now.
Laminated pictures of the Stations affixed to stakes and pounded into the ground. These should face the sidewalk and street so passersby can see them. Number these on the back (I, 2, 3, 4, etc) so that the cast knows which Station to be at as the narration proceeds.
A shortened version of the popular stations so as to hold the interest of passersby.
A handy person to craft the cross and a way to hold it upright. Two crosses can be used--one for the way of the cross and other which can be kept in place on the property and which will be raised for the crucifixion. Around this second cross, a sign can be placed announcing the upcoming Stations.
A publicized schedule of location and time when the Living Stations will be held.
A way to amplify the Stations (we used an amplifier and recorded text the plugged into an exterior outlet on the church where these were held
Photos taken March 3 and March 29, 2024, Fort Wayne IN USA
Outdoor Living Stations conceived by Mike Freygang, CFP Property Manager
Directed and Narrated by Dave Vaugh, Resident, Guadalupe Men's Vita Dei House
Performed on grounds of Annunciation Women's Vita Dei House and Saint Andrew's Church (with the permission of church owner Charles Law)
Actors and Actresses: Members of the Confraternity of Penitents, residents of Guadalupe and Annunciation Vita Dei Houses, and friends.